Saturday, December 20, 2008

Open in New Window Size

It can drive me crazy, how sometimes you choose the option to open a link in a new window, in Internet Explorer, and the new window isn't the size you want.

I was dealing with that just a few minutes ago, because I had a list of links open in one window, and I was one-by-one right-clicking them and choosing Open in New Window.

Here's how I solve the problem. (I still have Internet Explorer 6.)

1. If the source window is maximized, restore it to its sizable state. You can do this by double-clicking the title bar, for example.

2. Now, make this window be the size you that want new windows to be. Position it where you want new windows to be positioned.

3. Maximize the window. Restore it again, and notice how the size and position are as you left them. Re-maximize it.

4. Now, right-click a link and choose Open in New Window. It opens in the position that you set, and in the size that you set.

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