Sunday, November 23, 2008

How to save YouTube videos

A real person asked, "How do I download clips from YouTube to my computer?"

There are sites where you can paste in the URL from YouTube, and then download the file. I use this one:


1. In the download field, paste the full URL from YouTube. For example,

2. Click the Download Video button.

3. Notice the screen re-displays. Scroll down a bit if necessary, and on the left beside the Ads by Yahoo you will see a small image of your video. In between the ads there's some text that looks like this:

>> Download Convert Record Stream<<

4. In this text, click on the word Download.

5. When prompted, choose to save the file.

6. In the Save As dialog (or equivalent if you're not on Windows or not using Internet Explorer), replace all the text in the File Name field with a meaningful file name that has .flv as the file type. For example, Californication.flv.

7. Click Save (or equivalent) to save the file.

Thing is, the file you download will be a .flv file, and you will need a special player to play it. I use the one that comes up when you google the term "flv player". It's a link to freeware downloadable from CNET's download site. Right now, that link is

Download and install that player, which is free, and you will be able to play the FLV files you download.

Hope this helps!

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